“Mota” is an informal name for cannabis or marijuana plant. Cannabis grows wild and sometimes hash plant, but its psychoactive variety produces marijuana, a controlled substance, and grow it is a federal crime. You can follow these steps to determine if a plant you’ve discovered is actually a marijuana plant. …
How to tell if a plant is rich in THC
The laws of many countries believe that marijuana is used for recreational or medical purposes being different use of industrial hemp. But when it comes down to genetics, marijuana and hemp are not very different at all. Both marijuana and hemp plants belong to the genus cannabis and both contain …
Growing marijuana
Marijuana cultivation is one of the funniest things I’ve echo. Hake about a decade had a pretty decent garden. Growth of marijuana is up to each summer, like tomatoes and kale, but none of them is as fun and rewarding as marijuana. Much of that has to do with the …
How marijuana is grown
The government of Uruguay began receiving offers from interested in planting marijuana in different parts of the country, as reported by The Observer in July Caldara, secretary of the National Drug Board (JND). How to care for the plant? Several experts reported to The Observer about the different methods of …
Marijuana in cold weather
How to grow marijuana seeds germinated Marijuana plants from seeds germinated in January and begin to grow immediately notice that the days are short and the nights long, so bloom as soon as its size is directed or permitted. As it is obvious winter marijuana plants do not bloom very …
Marijuana growing production in the country
According to the authorities, in recent years has been experiencing an unprecedented increase in cultivation of this hallucinogenic plant, caused primarily by the low yields of the product that have been recorded in California, United States, and the quote that begins to have on the market liquid marijuana. 15 years …
Marijuana grown out of season
Outside the favorite season for growing marijuana, this plant can also be planted in other seasons, obtaining very good results. Simply use some specific techniques that allow the plant cannabis can grow, as if it were summer. How many times have you thought how much you would like to plant …