Marijuana growing production in the country

According to the authorities, in recent years has been experiencing an unprecedented increase in cultivation of this hallucinogenic plant, caused primarily by the low yields of the product that have been recorded in California, United States, and the quote that begins to have on the market liquid marijuana.

15 years ago, when the country was facing the first drug bonanza, it was estimated that the country had planted around nine thousand hectares.

The joint action of the Colombian and US authorities allowed counter in a few years the scourge, which also gave way to the emergence of other more powerful organizations that were engaged in industrial production and large-scale transport of cocaine.

In late 1989, according to official estimates, it was estimated that the country had about 2,200 hectares planted with marijuana and two years ago reports were aware of the existence of six thousand hectares.

The last official report records today there are about eight thousand hectares of marijuana in Colombia.

Recent seizures show that the country has again become one of the main suppliers and qualified as unusual fact, just three weeks ago fell in Germany 16 tons of marijuana, which is considered the largest shipment of that species confiscated in history the drug war being conducted by that country.

Last year the country achieved authorities seized 548 tons of yerba and this year a total of 178 tons ready to be exported were discovered.

The highest concentrations of marijuana crops, authorities estimate, are located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Persia and the Serrano de San Lucas.

They do not rule out the security agencies in the high Guajira, epicenter 15 years ago the first boom, drug dealers now have with extensive plantations of marijuana.

Another challenge Government spokesmen consulted by El Tempos said that in the near future the fight against trafficking marijuana will become a new challenge in counternarcotic activities.

They explained that situations such as those recorded at the beginning of the decade with the emergence of poppy and now with the massive growth of coca, led the State to channel their efforts on those fronts and leave a little it has to do with the marijuana production.

However, these sources said, there is a tool that has proven effective in the task of dealing with drug trafficking, such as aerial spraying of illicit crops.

They added that it is already working on a special plan to advance a campaign to eradicate marijuana crops in the country, as well as a census to determine the number of hectares planted there really is in the national territory.